Thou Shall Not ___________?

By: Jake Jakubuwski

Copyright, 2012


Thou Shall Not ___________!

 Why not? It seems like everyone else does.

Kings, commoners, princes, priests, popes and politicians have all been caught with their hand in a cookie jar that didn’t belong to them. Or, they get caught with their pants down — so to speak — and have been known to wreak mayhem and murder on other folks who got in their way of breaking various laws, statutes, decrees and mandates.

 I know that no matter how severe the penalties for stealing, murder, adultery and other ‘sins’ are, there’s always gonna be someone who decides that the risk is worth taking — and they’re going to take it.

 I guess that’s just Human Nature. Or maybe it’s just plain stupidity. Whatever it is, it seems as if more and more folks are doing something with, to, or for, other folks that they shouldn’t be doing

I mean, how many presidents, presidential candidates, or would be candidates, have thrown their pants into the ring — only to have them thrown back at them?

 How many politicians have been caught with a freezer full of cold cash and tried to lie their way out of the stash?

Now we have secret service people participating in not-so-clandestine assignations on company time. I’m not castigating these people for joining in fun and games where these types of fun and games are NOT against the law. I DO however, expect that the crème-de-la-crème of the Palace Guard would have better sense then to wet their wicks while on duty. Now, it looks like a lot of them are going to get trimmed from the Federal payroll. Good riddance!

Then there was the Financial Officer of the small town inIllinoisthat is suspected of dipping into the public coffers to the tune of 30 million bucks! Then she was released on a 4,500 dollar bond! If I read the article right, she was released so she could feed her champion horse crop (That at least part of the 30 mil bought her) and because of her obligations to her farms (Note the plural) she is considered a low flight risk.

About a decade ago, a young man snatched a purse from a lady on theNew Yorksubway. He was shot by a transit cop, wound up paralyzed and collected 4.2 million from the Big Apple! I thought I had read somewhere that crime didn’t pay?

Cases like that seem to indicate that crime pays in direct proportion to whether or not you can afford to fight the charges or are fortunate enough to find a lawyer that can turn the perpetrator of a crime into a victim or convince a jury that an over privileged congress person did not fully understand the venality of their actions.

Now, at least one Secret Service agent is going to sue Uncle Sugar and will probably (Just a guess on my part) succeed in forcing the government to pay for firing him … never mind that he works for us and wasn’t acting within the parameters of his job description. Never mind that he has a job that requires his full attention and he shouldn’t have his mind filled with the talents of a lady of the night rather then on his job.

The way I see it is that theUnited Statesnot only has the best political system that money can buy it also has the best judicial system that money can buy.

On the other hand, if you can’t buy it, maybe you can get it to pay you for being a royal idiot and getting yourself shot by a law enforcement officer during the commission of a crime.

Isn’t it time to turn the rule book right side up and apply its mandates equally and without prejudice?

 Then, just maybe, the “Shall Not’s” will once again have some meaning and folks will believe in them to the point that they might respect the law. More importantly maybe if there were a little fear of breaking the law involved; folks wouldn’t be so quick to take the chance.

Then again, if frogs had wings, maybe they wouldn’t bump their derrieres every time they jumped…